The El Niño Southern Oscillation: Report Summary
Abstract/Report Summary
by Charles Tahan
In the last few decades, scientists have been trying to learn more about a natural phenomenon, called El Niño, that recurs at irregular intervals off the western coast of South America. After many years of intensive study, it is still not entirely understood. A product of a cycle that begins rather obscurely in the western Pacific, El Niño's warm waters have devastated the fishing industries of Peru and Ecuador and caused significant climate anomalies which have affected the entire globe.This project seeks to identify those effects, trace and relate some aspects of the origin of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation system, and investigate means of predicting the event. The project introduces a mathematical model of the sea surface temperature anomalies associated with El Niño in the south eastern Pacific and uses sea surface temperature data, derived from satellite observations, to verify it.
Go to Report: The El Niño Southern Oscillation:
Can this sometimes devastating Pacific oriented cycle be predicted?