Nanotechnology and Society

An undergraduate course on nanotechnology and its societal implications.

Science and Technology Studies 201, Section 84405, Spring 2005, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
This 3-credit course was designed and taught by Charles Tahan in the spring semester of 2005, the first year it was offered at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It was co-develeped with members of the Wisconsin Nanotechnology and Society Initiative.

About the course.


Reader & Resources.

Classes & Schedule.



Nano Joke Contest.

Publications and Talks.




To gauge the impact of the course to the extent possible with a small data set, a pre-assessment and post-assessment (with results) were taken at the beginning and end of the course. The assessments are summarized in the journal article about the course.

Pre- and post-assessment answers to the question: "Please rate your comfort level with the following topics."

(C) Charles Tahan unless otherwise acknowledged.