El Niño Resources on the Net An excellent earth science book online (I give this an A++): http://spso.gsfc.nasa.gov/sci_strategy/Contents.html A good El Niño page: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/toga-tao/el-nino/home.html. It has good narrative and useful graphics. Their main page at http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/ gives access to data
NOAA Topex/Poseidon Analysis Products
El Niño page at JPL (1 of 2)
El Niño page at JPL (2 of 2)
Research papers on El Niño etc.
Student Reports on El Niño and Earth Science Here are two the author's worked on: OLD: http://circles.org/StudentRpts/93_94/el_nino/1stWelcometoElNino.html NEW: http://cs.wm.edu/~ctahan/enso-ct/ENSOsum.html Here are a variety of earth science projects from seven different schools: http://circles.org/Round3/Resources/samples1.html
General Earth Science Information The Earth System Science Community Curriculum: http://circles.org Mission to Planet Earth Homepage: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/mtpe/ The Earth System Science Center at Penn State http://www.essc.psu.edu/ Earth Observing System Homepage: http://spso.gsfc.nasa.gov/spso_homepage.html ESSE: Earth System Science Education: http://www.usra.edu/esse/ESSE.html EOSDIS search on WWW: http://eos.nasa.gov/imswelcome WWW Servers with Global Change, Earth Science, & Environmental Data & Info: http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcmdonline.html U.S. Geological Survey Global Change Research Program: http://geochange.er.usgs.gov/ NASA Online Educational Resources: http://www.nasa.gov/nasa_online_education.html NASA/GSFC Earth Sciences Directorate: http://sdcd.gsfc.nasa.gov/ESD/
General Ocean Studies Resources and Curriculum Material
THE BEST online Oceanography Course: Resources, student reports, data access
The Internet Realtime Science Modules: Lesson Plans for Educators
Project Athena: Instruction Units and Projects on the Oceans
Project Athena: Tracking Drifter Buoys to Understand Ocean Currents
University of Illinois Geoscience Dept.'s Activities in Ocean Science
University of Iowa Global Change Course Schedule.
University of Iowa Global Change Course Interactive Discussion Page
Libraries of Online Arcticles and resources
THE BEST Ocean Related Online Library is at Scripps, of course
Free Stuff
1100 Wayne Avenue Suite 1225 Silver Spring, MD 20910
This informational CD-ROM provides a comprehensive look at the TOPEX/Poseidon mission and spacecraft. The CD contains over an hour of digital video, audio, images, and text captions which describe everything from the impetus for the mission to the science results obtained in the first three years. The software and data on the CD are formatted such that they can be accessed by Macintosh, PC, and other systems. It's available free of charge and can be ordered from: http://podaac-www.jpl.nasa.gov/tecd.html, or if you do not have a web browser, it can be ordered by e-mail (podaac@podaac.jpl.nasa.gov)