I’m a physicist at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences (LPS), located at the University of Maryland-College Park. My research group‘s interests include condensed matter/solid-state physics and quantum information science and technology (QuIST). The merger of these two fields creates opportunities for new physics and technology, such as quantum computers. I work to advance these goals in various roles. I also have a long-term interest in exploring the impact of science and technology on society.
I’m currently on detail to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
This site serves as a repository for academic work and in no way represents the views or opinions of anyone but myself. Following tradition, most of this site will be very out-of-date.
Science & Society
Check out what’s going on across the USG at quantum.gov
Visit the group site: http://research.tahan.com/
Papers - Technical papers.
Talks - Talks archive.
Qubit Zoo New
Meqanic - A puzzle game for iOS designed to build your intution about quantum computing and quantum mechanics. See a talk about its creation here.
Technology and Society Page - Years ago I created a new course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Nanotechnology and Society, which evolved into work in science and technology studies, participation on various ethics and public policy boards, and some thought into the future of quantum technology.
Legacy (meaning really old) content from previous versions of this site.
Kung Physics - My experiences as a travelling postdoc.
The Tahan Archive through history. Ie, when this site was da HTML bomb.
Old science on earth systems science, atmospheric physics, crystal growth, and other stuff including physics notes.
- charlie at tahan dot com