Talk: The case for always-on, exchange only (AEON) qubits

Future quantum computers may utilize multiple types of encoded spin qubits each optimized for their role within the system, be it computation, communication, initialization, or readout. In this talk I will discuss a new encoded qubit, the so-called “always-on, exchange-only” (AEON) qubit, which offers a true sweet spot to charge noise on the quantum dot energy levels, allows for all single- and two-qubit gate operations to be done at sweet spots using only DC-pulses to tune the tunnel couplings between the dots, and requires only a single exchange pulse to implement an encoded two-qubit entangling operation. The AEON qubit can be considered as a generalization of the symmetric operating point (demonstrated for two-dot systems) to three spin systems and can serve as an intermediary to convert between different types of encoded qubits. Composite spin qubit systems of this type can enable previously unexplored readout and resonator-coupling approaches opening new physics opportunities to the spin qubit community, in addition to new tools for spin-based quantum computing.

International Workshop on Silicon Quantum Electronics, Portland, OR

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  • Charles Tahan
    Physicist in Washington, D.C.