Talk: The case for always-on, exchange only (AEON) qubits

Future quantum computers may utilize multiple types of encoded spin qubits each optimized for their role within the system, be it computation, communication, initialization, or readout. In this talk I will discuss a new encoded qubit, the so-called “always-on, exchange-only” (AEON) qubit, which offers a true sweet spot to charge …

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Talk: Dogs and cats, living together! How approaches to Josephson junction and spin-based quantum computing can learn from each other

I will talk about two of our recent proposals for quantum computers based on superconducting JJ circuits [1] and spins in semiconductors [2]: what motivated them, why they are worth pursuing experimentally, and directions for future research.

[1] Semiconductor-inspired design principles for superconducting quantum computing, Nature Communications 7, 11059 (2016 …

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Talk: Silicon Quantum Information Technology

Information technology based on the fundamental nature of the universe, namely quantum physics, can in some cases dramatically outperform the best “classical” solution. In other words, a quantum computer will be important someday. But the challenges are still immense. Somewhat surprisingly, silicon may continue to be an exceptionally relevant material …

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  • Charles Tahan
    Physicist in Washington, D.C.